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Achieve More with CampusCE!

Did you know that CampusCE provides a wide range of services, optional features and customizations to help you continue to reach your goals?

Ask us about:

  • Integrating with a variety of systems: PeopleSoft, Banner, Salesforce, Blackboard, Canvas, ed2go, MindEdge, and more…
  • Updating your website with a new design and mobile-responsive web pages
  • Training your new staff and refreshing your team with tailored training
  • Analyzing your metrics and make informed decisions with the Data Direct business intelligence tool
  • Improving operations with new features:
    • Make a Payment/Partial Payment
    • Promo Codes
    • Section Fees
    • Custom Profile and Enrollment Fields
    • Password Complexity

To learn more contact Tim at
Tim Giles
CampusCE Director

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Find success with Reporting during this year’s Users Group!

Your CampusCE Reporting Team is passionate about reporting! Brandon and Mary will be your guides and inspire you to use the CampusCE reporting tools for making data-driven decisions. With presentations, breakout sessions and individual consultations, the Reporting Team will share:

  • Analyzing. Using the data in the system to review and analyze your program by introducing key metrics used by other CampusCE customers.
  • Recording. The importance of data validity, integrity, and uniformity. “Good data input lead to good reporting output.”
  • Tracking. Tracking key metrics and the evolution of reports over time. How you can make reports more meaningful.

Increase and improve data input and ensure data-related decision making is easy and insightful for success! See dashboards and reports created for a variety of users that will provide practical outcomes for your programs and work flow needs.

September 16, 17, 18, 2019 at CampusCE Headquarters, Seattle, Washington
To register and for more information, visit


Join Your CampusCE Team at This Year’s Users Group!

Connect your students online for success! Lucy has pulled together some ingenious ways to drive students to their computers (and not yours!) to register. Lucy shares strategies, functionality, bribes and marketing ideas to entice students to answer their own questions and register with ease using CampusCE. Count on idea sharing during this session so that we all leave with more tools to combat ringing phones and “Knock, knock, are you busy?” interruptions.

Lucy Woodhouse has 30 years of experience in nonprofit administration, including 6 years as the Director of OLLI @Furman. Inspired by the team and support she received from CampusCE as a customer, Lucy became the Lifelong Learning Manager at CampusCE in March 2018. Her role is to support all current customers and provide ideas for development for future growth.

September 16, 17, 18, 2019 at CampusCE Headquarters, Seattle, Washington
To register and for more information, visit

2019 Connect for Success Speaker

We are happy to announce our 2019 Connect for Success guest speaker!

Listen to her success strategies for building successful programs and ask how you can, too!

Michelle Shideler has been a dynamic force in Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning since 1998. Michelle directed The Villages Lifelong Learning College from its inception – building and leading one of the largest learning organizations in the world, with more than 46,000 registrations per year. She is currently the Director of Education at Master the Possibilities in Ocala, Florida.

September 16, 17, 18, 2019 at CampusCE Headquarters, Seattle, Washington

To register and for more information, visit